Who remembers the iconic music video for this song from 1986, featuring puppets from the 1980s British sketch show Spitting Image? “Land of Confusion” is by the English rock band Genesis from their 1986 album Invisible Touch and it reached No. 4 in the U.S. in late 1986. Many of your are more familiar with lead singer Phil Collins, who gives a great LIVE performance here. And if you miss…

WATCH: 38 Special – “Like No Other Night” Music Video
“Like No Other Night” was by the southern rock band 38 Special was off their seventh studio album Strength in Numbers which was released in 1986. From what I can tell, it made it to about #14 on the Pop Charts that year. Were you a fan back in the day?

WATCH: RUN DMC – Walk This Way (Official HD Video) featuring Aerosmith
Who remembers when this first rap/rock crossover was released in 1986? Here’s more from Wikipedia about this unique mix which many say helped revitalize Aerosmith’s career: “Walk This Way” is a song by the American hard rock band Aerosmith. Written by Steven Tyler and Joe Perry, the song was originally released as the second single from the album Toys in the Attic (1975). It peaked at number 10 on the…

WATCH: Incredibly Awful “Octaman” Movie Trailer from 1971
Who remembers this piece of drive-in movie magic? What happens when you blend a human and an octopus? You get a creepy Octoman, of course! Here’s more from the YouTube Description: A scientific expedition to remote Mexican fishing community discovers unhealthy amounts of radioactive waters. They also find a small mutant octopus with nearly human eyes that can crawl on land and make mewling sounds like a baby. In order…

WATCH: Weekend Update: John Belushi on March Weather – SNL
Everyone’s heard the phrase, “March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.” But do you remember seeing John Belushi’s take on that old phrase as he appears on SNL’s Weekend Update with Chevy Chase as the show’s “chief meteorologist” to discuss the different ways March “comes in” and “goes out” in different parts of the world. This great sketch is from SNL’s first season back…

WATCH: Elton John – Kiss the Bride – Wembley Stadium 1984 (HQ Audio)
Here’s an Elton John song you don’t hear very often, “Kiss the Bride” from his 1983 from the album Too Low for Zero peaked at #25 on the US pop charts on on October 1, 1983. If you listen to the lyrics, the song is about a man who goes to the wedding of a woman he’s obviously in love with, but doesn’t say anything. Here’s an example of some…

WATCH: Top 10 Cheesiest One-Hit Wonders of the 1960s
There were a lot of great one-hit-wonders during the 60s, but not all of them were great. The name of this video focuses on the “cheesiest” but they actually picked some good songs to focus on. Are these cheesy or not?

WATCH: The Golden Age of Bubblegum Music – Video
Most of you have heard the term (and also likely used it) “bubblegum music.” But do you know what that specifically refers to. This video looks at the golden age of bubblegum music, from 1966 to 1970. But its a song genre that continues to this day, if you know what to look for. Here’s more from the YouTube Description: Bubblegum music is typically defined using two sets of criteria…

WATCH: The Top 10 Most Hated 1970s Songs
There were a lot of good songs written in the 1970s, but there were also some pretty awful ones as well. Do you have one that you really disliked? Most of these are already on our list of “Songs We Love to Hate.” Here’s a list of the Top 10 Most Hated 1970s Songs!

WATCH: The Killer Bees: Home Invasion – SNL – Jan 10, 1976
Not exactly the first appearance of the famous “Killer Bees” on Saturday Night Live, but probably one of the most memorable, as the gang of bees, lead by John Belushi, terrorizes a young couple played by Chevy Chase and Gilda Radner. The rest of the bee gang includes Elliott Gould, Dan Aykroyd and Garrett Morris. The sketch is also famous for the “technical difficulties” that plague the camera as Gould…